Promoted Projects

Currently Funded

No projects are currently funded.

Competitive Grant offered — see the Topics of Interest below.

Topics of Interest

CCR will provide one $500 competitive grant yearly to a winning research design from a university student on any of the topics below. The design and subsequent work must produce a publication-quality report.

Projectile Point Asymmetry
Effect of projectile point asymmetry on accuracy and penetration.

Hogback Projectile Points
Investigation (quantification and patterns) of morphological variation in hogback projectile points along the Colorado Front Range.

Open Sites
Investigation of differences in landscape between single and multi-component open sites within a select region.

Seasonal Round Lithic Materials
Investigation of “seasonal rounds” of prehistoric peoples between the Colorado Plains and Mountains through occurrence of Parker Petrified Wood (or other Plains-specific lithic materials) in mountain sites.

Bone Tools
Investigation (spatial, temporal, and type) of bone tools occurring in Colorado Front Range sites.